The Recalls, Market Withdrawals & Safety Alerts are available on FDA’s website for three years before being archived. The list below provides information gathered from press releases and other public notices about certain recalls of FDA-regulated products. Not all recalls have press releases or are posted on this page. See Additional information about recalls for a more complete listing.
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  • Date
    Brand Name(s)
    Product Description
    Recall Reason Description
  • 11/14/2019
    Beef Cat Food
    May be contaminated with Salmonella
  • 11/14/2019
    Beef Cat Food
    May be contaminated with Salmonella
  • 11/13/2019
    Feeds for rabbit, turkey/pheasant, swine, waterfowl
    Excess Magnesium
  • 10/30/2019
    ICU Medical, Inc.
    Lactated Ringer's Injection, USP and 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP
    Due to the presence of particulate matter
  • 10/04/2019
    MoorMan’s®, ShowTec®
    Lamb Creep DC
    Product may contain high levels of copper
  • 09/24/2019
    Pig ear pet treat
    Salmonella contamination
  • 09/23/2019
    Hog Grower Pellets
    Contains levels of vomitoxin (a mycotoxin)
  • 09/20/2019
    Ultralyx 24-16-5
    Elevated levels of non-protein nitrogen (NPN).
  • 09/12/2019
    KRS Global Biotechnology
    Animal Sterile Drug Products
    Lack of sterility assurance
  • 09/06/2019
    Hospira Inc.
    Bacteriostatic Water for Injection
    Potential Lack of Sterility Assurance
  • 09/03/2019
    Berkley & Jensen
    Pig Ears
    Potential to be contaminated with Salmonella
  • 08/27/2019
    Brutus & Barnaby
    Pig ears
    Potential to be contaminated with Salmonella
  • 08/22/2019
    Dechra Veterinary Products
    Veterinary ophthalmic drug products
    Due to concerns of QA controls in the manufacturing facility
  • 08/16/2019
    Chef Toby
    Pig ears
    Potential to be contaminated with Salmonella
  • 08/15/2019
    Texas Tripe
    Raw frozen pet food
    Potential to be contaminated with Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes
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Adopt a Dog

Hello ! This Is Remi!

Remi is a sweet 2 year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who is looking for a home full of love! He weighs 13 lbs. and came to rescue from a breeder. He is quiet but very playful. He loves to cuddle up with his person on the couch and sleep in the big bed right by your side. He has come out of his nervous shell and now trusts us to pick him up to hold him. We are still working on calm bath times, brushing, leash walking and potty training. He is still learning to trust humans and will need a patient, kind, mostly quiet adult household to continue his progress. He startles easily and will hide if overwhelmed. He’s new to the world, and blossoming well. Remi gets along well with our cat and dogs. He is in love with our calmer dog and takes naps laying on him. He is a happy boy, with the sweetest face. He loves his dog bed, laying on soft blankets, and is always looking for something soft to snooze on or a blanket or toy to chew on. He eats while standing on a small area rug for grip. He does not confidently jump onto or off of furniture. If you are ready for a sweet dumpling with the biggest eyes, the softest ears, and best personality who will learn to trust you and love you every day, apply to adopt Remi! A quiet adult only home with another dog to learn from, and no children would be ideal. Remi is fostering in Florida and ready for his own experienced mom & dad. Please visit our main site for more information or to apply to adopt.
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