Franky, Fiona, Fae, Fara, and Flo are the 5 surviving puppies of a litter of 9.
1 male and 4 females.
These babies only weigh about 3.5 lbs. each. Between how itty bitty they are and their big ears, they could fly away!! Their ears are the absolutely cutest, and we wonder if they will ever grow into them.
Born February 18th, 2024, these pups have not had the easiest life. They were born under a home to a stray chihuahua mix, and the people wanted nothing to do them. As we were trying to make room to intake them as all rescues have been full, they caught parvo at the home they were born in.
We were contacted after 3 of the puppies had already passed away, with the remaining ones on deaths door. We immediately took the remaining 6 in, and 1 unfortunately passed away within hours of us taking them.
These 5 babies have survived parvo and now are healthy, happy puppies. Parvo is a deadly virus that can easily kill puppies, especially ones as small of these. There are NO long-term effects of parvo, and you wouldn’t even know they had it otherwise. The only good thing about parvo is that it’s a slim chance to zero chance they ever get it again.
These pups love you once they get to know you and trust you. The foster has spent a couple weeks with them and they’re her best friends already. They love to give kisses once they know you’re not there to hurt them.
They are a bit timid at first and will definitely need a medium to quite calm household that has patience and understanding that they have not had an easy life to start off with. They are still puppies, so they do have the puppy energy, but they tire out fast and would rather cuddle and be close to their humans.
As of right now, we are not recommending young children as these are VERY tiny puppies that with sudden and fast movements get very scared, very quickly. They are almost scared of their own shadow sometimes.
They love other dogs but it takes a little bit for them to come around. Another dog in the home would probably benefit them as another dog would help build confidence.
They have met kitties and they are quite scared of them. With time, they could live happily in a home with a friendly kitty who won't be mean to them.
We do not believe these babies will get over 10-12 lbs full grown, potentially 15, given how tiny they are currently. While we do not know who dad is, we believe they are more chihuahua than any other breed.
If you can provide a safe, calm, loving, patient home for one of these sweet, gentle, adorable puppies, please consider applying today.
All adoption fees include current negative hw test if old enough, current age appropriate vaccines including rabies, parvo/distemper, bordatella, current heart worm and flea/tick preventions, lifetime registered microchip, 2 dewormers and transport costs from Texas to the East Coast.
Fill out an application to adopt:
We process applications as first come, first serve so we suggest you fill out an application as soon as possible as we can receive quite a few per animal.
Our animals are located in Texas unless otherwise indicated at the top. The locations they're posted in are locations the transport companies can more likely transport to, or around, once adopted.
90% of our animals are adopted prior to transport. Transports leave every 1-2 weeks.
Application turn around is usually about 1-3 days max, if not sooner. After you submit an application and want to send additional information or pictures of current animals/past ones in a separate email, we love that and it always helps your chances.
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