Manitou Park

2029 S Manitou Ave, Boise, ID, US, 83706

Of Manitou Park's 11 acres, 5.1 acres are available for off-leash use during designated hours. The approved area is the open field on the north end of the park defined by the berm on the south side and the property lines on the east, north and west ends of the park. There are signs with maps identifying the approved area installed at the park for user reference.

Dogs are allowed off leash in the designated area in the mornings, sunrise to 10:00 a.m., and evenings, 4:00 p.m. to Sunset. Dogs must be on a leash at all other times during the day.

Dogs and their owners should be sure to follow the City's leash and pick-up ordinance going to and coming from the designated off-leash area, and follow the Dog Off-Leash Rules and Regulations while visiting the park.


(253) 571-5300


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