Learn everything about Portuguese Podengo at glance; understanding Portuguese Podengo's temperament, physical and emotional needs are so important if you are getting a Portuguese Podengo. Search Portuguese Podengo puppies/dogs for adoption, or find available Portuguese Podengo dogs and breeders in your area. Dog The Love also kindly provide Portuguese Podengo related dogs and Portuguese Podengo related breed lists that you might interested. All About Portuguese Podengo

All About Portuguese Podengo

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Portuguese Podengo Related Dog Breeds

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Portuguese Podengo Related Dog Breed List

  • Medium sized dog breeds

    Not too big; not too small: These dogs are the definition of a happy medium, and probably why they show up on our list of most popular dogs year after year. Their playful and kind personalities make for excellent additions to families. Some are calmer by nature, like the Bulldog or the Whippet; others are more energetic like the Brittany or the Shetland Sheepdog. No matter what, they’re friendly and obedient, and love to please.

  • Longest living dog breeds-long lifespan breeds

    So, you are ready to bring a dog into your home. Obviously, your intention is to have that new four-legged member of the household around for a very long time to come.

    Since dogs can become such integral members of a family, it is only natural to want them around for as long as possible. And when you have kids, it’s nice to bring a pup into the home and have that pup grow into adulthood with your child.

    It’s important to know that there are some breeds out there that tend to be hardier than others. In general, most dogs have lifespans that are similar, ranging anywhere from 10 to 13 years old.

    There are certain breeds however, that have significantly shorter lifespans. Then there are some breeds that surprise us and live a very long time, sometimes up to 15 years and beyond.

    Some of the longest living breeds of dog have been known to have instances where they have lived 20 years or longer, although that is rare.

    That’s a pretty long time for a dog – it works out to be about 140 years old in human years!

    Also, something to keep in mind when choosing your new dog is that when you go with a purebred pooch, though they may have a great pedigree, sometimes their health can suffer and their lifespans can be shorter.

    Deciding to go with a mutt instead means you could have a dog that may live longer. It’s also worth noting that smaller dogs tend to have the longest life spans, while larger dogs have the shortest.

    Either way, seek out a dog with an amazing personality and tons of vitality, and you will have a source of joy for many years to come.