All About
Scottish Terrier

A solidly compact dog of vivid personality, the Scottish Terrier is an independent, confident companion of high spirits. Scotties have a dignified, almost-human character. Their terrier persistence has earned the breed the nickname “the Diehard.”

Quick Facts

  • Playfulness
  • Exercise
  • Grooming
  • Family Situation
  • Friendliness towards other pets
  • Friendliness towards strangers


Scottish Terriers, like his other terrier cousins, are fearless, loyal and often clownish. They are discriminating when it comes to making friends, so don't expect your Scottie to cozy up to all of your friends, but when you've made friends with a Scottie, he's your friend for life. They have excellent memories and if they meet a person one time and like them, a Scottie can recognize that person years later. They are stoic animals, and it is often hard to tell what they are thinking so they can break out into mischief without warning. Scotties are not for everyone, as their discriminating taste sometimes means they only really like one member of the household, but those who love the Scottish Terrier say these dogs bring laughter and light wherever they go.

Care - Nutrition

If the Scottish Terrier’s coat is healthy and grows evenly and there is no dry, flaky skin or irritation, and the eyes are bright and there is no chewing or itching, then odds are the dog is being fed a suitable food. Some experienced breeders have found terriers to do well on a moderate-protein diet (mid-20-percent protein), with a bit of an additive such as canned food.

Care - Grooming Needs

Scottish Terriers require regularly scheduled grooming. They are a dual-coated breed, with a harsh, wiry outer layer and dense, soft undercoat. Ideally, they are hand stripped. This should be started when they are young puppies so they get used to the process. Once a month would be best once the coat is started, but they can be worked on weekly. If you are not doing it yourself, it may be hard to find a groomer who will do this for a pet. In that case it is acceptable to clipper the coat. With clipping you will eventually lose the correct harsh texture, as the undercoat will take over once the cutting process is begun. Clipped coats can be maintained on a six- to eight-week schedule. A weekly brushing and comb-out will keep the Scottie’s coat tangle free and the skin healthy. Periodic baths with the grooming is acceptable with a good-quality moisturizing shampoo.

Care - Exercise

Scottish Terriers need a good walk, but also good playtime. They have high energy and need to expend some of that in bursts. Throwing a ball or toy around that they can chase works great. Their nickname is the “diehard,” and all you have to do is play tug with a favorite toy to see they won’t stop or let go until you do. All of that activity will keep them in good shape and attitude. This makes them great dogs for a small home or apartment living.

Health Concerns

Major concerns: vWD, CMO
Minor concerns: Scotty cramp, intervertebral disc disease
Occasionally seen: none
Suggested tests: DNA for vWD
Life span: 11-13 years

Breed Fun Facts/History

Developed to hunt rats, foxes, and badgers on the craggy Scottish Highlands, the Scottish Terrier is a venerable breed. In fact, it is thought to be the oldest of the Highland terriers. And one authority calls the breed “the oldest variety of the canine race indigenous to Britain.” At various times in the breed’s long history there has been controversy about its origins and type. In fact, dog folks spent much of the 1800s arguing over what was a Scottish Terrier and what was a terrier that happened to be Scottish. Despite his humble farm-dog origins, the Scottie had friends in high places. In the 17th century, England’s King James I, a Scot by birth, was well acquainted with the breed and gave them as gifts.

The first Scottie imports arrived in America in 1883, and two years later the AKC registered its first Scottie, a male named Prince Charlie. The Scottie’s peak of popularity was the 1930s and early ’40s, with such celebrity owners as Humphrey Bogart and Bette Davis under the spell of the breed’s spicy charm. The Scottie silhouette is a familiar motif of Depression-era knickknacks and advertising, and the image is still popular today with textile makers looking for a sporty retro-kitsch accent for their designs. History’s most famous Scottie was Fala, the constant companion of President Franklin Roosevelt during World War II.