Police Dog Breeds

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Police dog breeds, that sounds like a promise of well-trained dogs and best guard dogs. What breeds of dogs are used in the police? Police dog breeds are dogs who are more clever than other dogs. Higher IQ means they can understand the training and complete the tasks better than other dogs. Dog breeds used for police work usually have a strong body. It doesn’t mean they must be huge in size. A Police dog must have a healthy body and less easy to get sick. Adopt a retired police dog means you will have the guarantee that the dog is both healthy and clever, also well trained. These best police dog breeds are usually great at fighting, but long-time training makes them gentle and loyal. They are perfect for guard dogs for children! Some detection dogs like sniffing dogs that are trained to detect explosives and find illegal objects, they are types of dogs that are less strong in body but more clever in the brain. Their high IQ helped them to help the police force to finish tasks. Are you interested in police dog breeds ranking? At DogTheLove.com, you will find information about the most popular police dog breeds, like the top ten police dog breeds. You will learn knowledge including police dog names, their body size and barking level, their coat color and exercise needs. More information like grooming tips and feeding tips are available. Different types of police dogs need different cares. For example, Labrador retriever is popular in police working dogs. They have pretty outlooks and smart brains. As they are very enthusiastic hunters, they would need more exercise than other dog breeds. German shepherds and Dutch Shepherds are similar. They are both clever and strong, perfect for hunting and police use, which means these two breeds both need more exercise than other dogs. Also, German shepherds have a very healthy appetite, costs on dog foods need to be considered before you adopt a dog like this! Similar dogs also have Belgian Malinois. In America, more families would like to adopt a retired dog. Not only because they are well-trained, kind to family members, and would be good guard dogs. These dogs started dog training and worked for a long time since their puppy time, and have seldom time for playing. Adopting these dogs would give them a better life after retirement.
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